JC Overcomers Ministries Unveiling The MysteriesOf The Bible
This sight is for the purpose of Glorifying God. Everything we do should reflect back on the one we serve. If we want to have a closer relationship with God, we study and obey God's Word.
Provided through this site are audio, video, and written bible studies, that show some of the mysteries within God's Word, as well as some miracle testimonies.
Blog Talk Radio
You can listen live below from this site, or you can go to the Blog Talk Tab above, which will take you to the ministry Blog Talk Page. There you will find several years of bible studies in the archives. You can also connect in with the program live when on, and even chat in the chat room, after getting a blog talk sign up name.
This ministry also has a YouTube channel, with bible lesson videos, in writing, audio, and even some Puppet Programs for children. That link is at: http://www.youtube.com/ncovercomers
May God richly bless you, as you search for a deeper relationship in him. You may contact me if you have comments, questions, or prayer requests, at: [email protected]